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Reclaim Control without Feeling Overwhelmed and Alone in Your Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis

It's time to take back control of your life.

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See how others are taking back control, increasing energy, and feeling their best with MS blueprint.

Here is what's waiting for you inside

Lifetime access to comprehensive tools to help you manage your symptoms for years to come. Delivered by a Doctor of Physical Therapy specializing in patients with MS.

Thriving with MS

Get your mind right and optimize your lifestyle.


Strategically maximize your energy.


Optimize your routine, sleep, and a grocery list to level up your lifestyle.


Review some final tips so you've got all the tools to crush the edit.

Rise Above

Learn how to apply your new strategies and take back control of your life.

Plus you'll get these

Course Bonuses

The MS Blueprint Workbook

Realistic guided action steps to help you apply what you're learning in the course to your specific routine and life.

$49 Value

The Made Strong Exercise Library

Comprehensive functional exercises to help you address specific physical symptoms of MS. You'll have access to an expansive exercise library to address your specific needs, including sample workouts showing how to group these exercises based on your symptoms.

$499 Value

Energy Conservation Planner

A way to organize your day to help you maximize your energy and decrease fatigue.

$19 Value

Simple Nutrition Swaps Guide

A guide to help you make informed choices based on your symptoms and reactions to various food groups.

You'll now know what to look for if there are certain foods that trigger different symptoms. You'll know how to apply that knowledge for a smoother transition.

$49 Value

Nutrition Label Guide

Understand what is in the food you're eating and help you identify potential triggers based on your symptoms and their relationship to certain foods and ingredients.

$19 Value

Bonus: Foot Drop Mini Course

Crucial education on why foot drop happens and is common in MS. Learn how to minimize its impact on your mobility and daily life through a doctor-built exercise program.

$199 Value

Total Value $2,300

But You Won't Pay That

(Normally Sold On It's Own for $99/mo)


A positive community with like-minded individuals who are committed to taking back control of life with an MS diagnosis. This community app access gives you real time access to Doctor of Physical Therapy, Jen Reed, to help answer questions or have guidance with an evolving condition.

Access includes weekly group workouts to help you integrate MS-specific exercises into your daily life and routine. You'll also be placed in a small group cohort as an opportunity to learn from others in the program, and stay accountable to your commitment to feeling confident in your future.

Here's How To Get Instant Access Right Now

To get instant access to The MS Blueprint

select GET STARTED below. Once you create your account, you'll have access to our Private Members App where the entire course and all the bonuses will be instantly available. I'll see you inside!

To get instant access to The MS Blueprint just fill out the form below when it appears. After your purchase is complete, you'll be given access to our Private Members App where the entire course and all the bonuses will be instantly available. I'll see you inside!

MS Blueprint

2 hrs of step-by-step content

Daily cheat sheets + planners

Community App + Weekly Group Workouts

Exercise Library

Foot Drop Mini Course

Direct Access to a Doctor of Physical Therapy

Get Started



Who is this course made for?

This course is made for those who are feeling overwhelmed or out of control with managing symptoms related to Multiple Sclerosis. This may be right at your initial diagnosis, or even after a few years with new symptoms becoming harder to manage. This course goes over a wide variety of symptoms, so it is a great reference to fall back on as new challenges come up over your journey!

I’m not sure I can exercise with my MS diagnosis. Is this for me?

Exercising with MS may not look the same as it did before your diagnosis or before you started experiencing symptoms, but it can be a great way to help manage fatigue and help you feel your best. It’s important to approach exercising in the right way to be considerate of your symptoms and adjusting the intensity to fit your body’s needs. Jennifer is well experienced as a Multiple Sclerosis Certified Specialist to give you the tools to make progress and feel stronger, more flexible, and more balanced!

What if I've already been to physical therapy and it didn't work for me?

Physical therapy is a great way to help build up your strength, flexibility, balance, and more. However, sometimes traditional physical therapy doesn’t always address the whole spectrum of MS related symptoms, and may not address exercise in a way that will allow you to maximize your energy levels. Jennifer is a Multiple Sclerosis Certified Specialist, which means she has undergone extensive training to fully understand all facets of MS related symptoms, and address them in a way that is sustainable for you!

What equipment do I need to take the course?

You likely have everything you need at home! For going through the course itself, the MS Blueprint Workbook, Energy Conservation Planner, and Nutrition Guides are all included as bonuses for joining. For starting your exercise routine, you will need a chair, belt or strap, and kitchen counter. Resistance bands may be helpful down the road if you are ready to start progressing your exercises.

I just got over a relapse and am back to feeling good! Do I even need this right now?

That’s great that you are feeling better after your relapse! Some of the information in the MS blueprint may not be applicable to you right now, but it is always good to be prepared if something unexpected comes up. Furthermore, addressing potential challenges can help you get ahead of them before they happen!

I have participated in support groups in the past, and didn't feel they helped me or were the
most positive. How will this be different?

The combination of movement, access to reliable information and action steps, and Jennifer’s positivity helps provide reassurance when connecting with other individuals diagnosed with MS. Members of the MS blueprint are motivated to take action, and support and learn from their peers in the process!